I had that feeling today! The one that whispers to me that if I go treasure hunting, I am going to find something way cool. I have learned to pay attention to the feeling ... went to an antique mall today... SCORE! I have been wanting a chippy paint, rusty metal organizer for my studio. The ones I usually find are out of my price range but this one was big, 18 drawers, and only $36. I have been cleaning it drawer by drawer, organizing my art supplies, and falling in love with its blue and orange chippy paint! I also collect and store art supplies in vintage Varsity metal lunch boxes. Bring something new into the studio and the whole thing is probably going to get cleaned and reorganized. The next best thing to using art stuff is organizing art stuff...or maybe thats the other way around! Do any of you use something cool in your studios? I would love to hear about it!
Bad lighting on that hutch...pictures are grainy...sorry!