3 ways to follow me!
Thanks to everyone who currently follows me on Google Friends Connect! I have been asked many times lately if I would consider adding some other ways in which to follow the art work that I am doing.
So....I finally did it...joined the FB community! The first weekend of FB was completely overwhelming because I also joined the Documented Life Project FB page that has about 2000 members. I had friend requests on top of friend requests for 24 hours after I posted the first time. The computer sounded like it was playing Christmas carols the bells were chiming in so often. My 20 year old daughter was completely jealous! I was flattered, consumed, and addicted. Now I know why I have such a hard time getting my high school students to keep there hands off their phones during school! What did I do next? DEACTIVATED my account! I had to figure out how I was going to manage this new found excitement before it totally swallowed my time. After several days of not connected, I researched and asked around about what I should do for a better fit. Tonight, I have changed my FB to a Face Book Page called Lucy's Lampshade in keeping with the brand name for my blog site and art. The button for following me on FB is on the left.
I also added a button so that you could follow me through email notifications.
I love that you like what I do! I love reading and responding to your comments! I have made some wonderful friends and have been inspired by so many other's blogs (those list down the left side of my blog are ones that I read daily!) I think it is important to introduce my followers to the people I follow, for they may also be inspired to create from the women that inspire me!